Wednesday, 30 December 2015

My experiences with Jupiter Transits

What does Jupiter give to a person? Much is written in astrology about Jupiter being a benefic. 9th house & Jupiter are related not only to religion , philosophy & knowledge, but also to wealth & fortune. Let us analyze what is the meaning of luck or fortune. After much study of astrology & based on practical experiences now I find that Jupiter is related to wealth, treasury,  sons, intelligence, progress in every direction of life, knowledge of different subjects, knowledge of scriptures, religion, astrology etc. , practice of religion, yoga, respect of Brahmins & Gods, mastering the senses,  good behaviour, honour etc.

In female horoscope Jupiter is said to be significator of husband & in male horoscope it is significator of son.

In a natal chart a well placed Jupiter should give positive results i.e. the things mentioned above. In general we expect this result from Jupiter in asc. which is held to be very good in Phaldeepika. In general we can expect similar positive results if Jupiter is in Kendras (1,4,7,10) or Trines(1,5,9) or 2,11. But we can't expect such results in with Jupiter in 6, 8 or 12th houses. In phaldeepika the worst position of Jupiter is said to be the 12th house, which makes a person use abusive language, having many enemies, childless, indolent, sinful & a person who serves others. I have practically seen a divorced woman with 7th lord Jupiter in 12th house with Saturn & Rahu. She is after career only, having extramarital affair & possibly she will never have a child.     

But in transit from the radical Moon (Rasi), Jupiter behaves very differently. It is said to be good be in 2,5,7,9 & 11. In rest of the houses it is said to be bad ie. in 1,3,4,6,8,10,12.

I have Moon sign as Taurus. Jupiter during its transit to 12th & 1st houses was extremely bad for me. I lost my Job in the beginning of Jupiter transiting to Aries. Jupiter had entered Aries my 12th house on 9 May, 2011. Jupiter in 12th house made me sick & return to my home town from Delhi after being rejected in interviews.  Jupiter entered Gemini my 2nd house 00:00 hrs, 30 May 2013. After that my problems solved somewhat though I had loss of my father. I started getting money & now by God's grace I have a job. I think that Golden Topaz that I wore gave me a job with a month or less ! It took time but Jupiter in 2nd gave me money at least.

Possibly Jupiter is the most important planet to be considered in transit being a slow planet & a benefic. Even my father had a problem related to his lifetime govt. job in 2004 & my grandfather was dead. All this had happened due to Jupiter in his first house in Leo. He recited Guru Beej Mantras to pacify Jupiter & after few days he emerged victorious. Who says astrological remedies don't work? Death has no remedy perhaps. But remedies can lessen your pain.  They work if they have blessings of lord Krishna & are satvik in nature. Om Tat Sat.  

Saturday, 26 December 2015

History of Indian Astrology in short


The earliest use of the term jyotiṣa is in the sense of a Vedanga, an auxiliary discipline of Vedic religion. The only work of this class to have survived is the Vedanga Jyotisha, which contains rules for tracking the motions of the sun and the moon in the context of a five-year intercalation cycle. The date of this work is uncertain, as its late style of language and composition, consistent with the last centuries BC, albeit pre-Mauryan, conflicts with some internal evidence of a much earlier date in the 2nd millennium BC.
The documented history of Jyotish in the subsequent newer sense of modern horoscopic astrology is associated with the interaction of Indian and Hellenistic cultures in the Indo-Greek period. Greek became a lingua franca of the Indus valley region following the military conquests of Alexander the Great and the Bactrian Greeks. The oldest surviving treatises, such as the Yavanajataka or the Brihat-Samhita, date to the early centuries AD. The oldest astrological treatise in Sanskrit is the Yavanajataka ("Sayings of the Greeks"), a versification by Sphujidhvaja in 269/270 AD of a now lost translation of a Greek treatise by Yavanesvara during the 2nd century AD under the patronage of the Western Satrap Saka king Rudradaman I.
Indian astronomy and astrology developed together. The earliest treatise on jyotish, the Bhrigu Samhita, dates from the Vedic era. The sage Bhrigu is one of the Saptarshi, the seven sages who assisted in the creation of the universe. Written on pages of tree bark, the Samhita (Compilation) is said to contain five million horoscopes comprising all who have lived in the past or will live in the future. The first named authors writing treatises on astronomy are from the 5th century AD, the date when the classical period of Indian astronomy can be said to begin. Besides the theories of Aryabhata in the Aryabhatiya and the lost Arya-siddhānta, there is the Pancha-Siddhāntika of Varahamihira.

Vedanga Jyotisha

The Vedāṅga Jyotiṣa, or Jyotiṣavedāṅga (Devanagari वेदाङ्ग ज्योतिष) is one of earliest known Indian texts on astronomy and astrology (Jyotisha).The extant text is dated to the final centuries BCE, but it may be based on a tradition reaching back to about 700-600 BCE.
The text is foundational to Jyotisha, one of the six Vedanga disciplines. It was composed by Lagadha

The Vedanga Jyotisha describes the winter solstice for the period of ca. 1400 BCE. This description has been used to date the Vedanga Jyotisha. According to Michael Witzel, the question is "whether the description as given in the jyotiSa is also the date of the text in which it is transmitted." T. K. S. Sastry and R. Kochhar suppose that the Vedanga Jyotisha was written in the period that it describes, and therefore propose an early date, between 1370 and 1150 BCE, while David Pingree  propose ca. 1180 BCE. The estimation of 1400-1200 BCE has been followed by others, with Subbarayappa adding that the extant form can be possibly from 700-600 BCE.

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Medicine, astrology & practical astrology

Medicine & astrology are both practical skills. Medicinal system comprises of homeopathy, allopathy, ayurvedic, yoga, unani, naturopathy etc. Each has its own value . Its upto the doctor and the patient  which system he find useful. Different doctors may be using different medicines or ways for the same case.

Similarly in astrology many point of views exist. Ultimately its an art. Its upto astrologer's or user's experience & which things he finds useful.

I have found the free internet astrological readings to be lacking in direct predictions:
1. Marriage/ divorce
2. No. of children
3. Possible timing of events
4. Money, career etc.
5. Lacking astrological common sense

Kundali IS like a mathematical equation that is to be solved & read directly. Unfortunately free readings make it sound like history , geography & civics !!
contact me

Dasas & Transits

Dasas are more important compared to the transits.
But both matter.

Analyze Dasa, Bhukti & Pratyantar very correctly. These are the most important.  According to some astrologers DAPS is important (Dasa-Antardasa-Pratyantar-Sookshma) are important.
I have read few articles of KN Rao. I believe than he analyzes upto 5 levels : Dasa-Antardasa-Pratyantar-Sookshma-Prana.

I believe that analysing upto either DAP or DAPS level is useful for all practical purposes.

One of the shortcut to analyze transit is :
1. Consider effects of the planets SUN, MOON, JUP, SAT, RA, KETU.
Ignore rest of the planets. These six planets effect more than the rest of the three planets.
2. Analyze transit from natal moon only. Ignore analysing from ascendent.

Do remember this is only a short cut method just in order to solve the confusions. This doesn't mean that Mer, Venus & Mars don't have any effects. Astrology is vast for sure.