Sunday, 29 March 2015

Which house to see?

Which house should we see for particular areas of life?
Note these numbers are just houses & it has nothing to do with any nadi astrology of Umang Taneja ji.

Career, Income & material success
- 2, 11, 10, 6, 9

Basically in KP astrology 2, 6, & 10 are considered for career. (Please not I am not a KP follower but I do import some goodies of KP)

Marriage - 2,7, 11, 9

In KP astrology 2, 7, 11 are considered for marriage. But I have included 9th house too after all its the house of luck. These houses can be used to find the timings of marriage. 7th house remains the primary house for nature of marriage, spouse etc. Navamsha chart too is helpful.

Planets related to marraige
- Venus , Moon
Venus remains the primary planet.

Love affairs - 5, 7

Children - 5, 9

For time of birth of children see both houses. But 5 remains the primary house for children related matters. The position of D1's 5th lord in D9 too matters.

Planet related to children - Jupiter

Father - 9

Planet related to father - Sun

Mother -
4th house also means happiness, relations with both parents, native place.

Planet related to mother - Moon

D1 & Moon chart are important for all these sectors of life. D9 too matters , but less than D1 or Moon chart.

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Mangal Dosha

People with Mars in 1, 4, 7,8 or 12 from Lagna are counted as Mangliks. Even many astrologers claim that Manglik dosha should be seen w.r.t Moon & Venus too.

Manglik dosha may create troubles in getting married or complications after marriage.
Just one needs to find proper match. For ur information almost 5/12 of the population of the world is MANGLIK. If one counts manglik from Moon & Venus too then more than half of population is MANGLIK.
Manglik makes a person more passionate & sexy , now this is a merit of being manglik.

According to astrogyan Manglik from Lagna has 75 percent weightage , manglik from Moon has 15 percent weightage & manglik from Venus has 10 percent weightage.

People with similar degrees of Manglik dosha should marry. One also need to see asthakoot matching & in general Nadi & Bhakoot dosha should be avoided, Even gan dosha or low matchmaking points should be avoided. Manushya gan & Rakshasa gan are not considered good for marriage , as Rakshasa can eat Manushya. 7th house for marraige & 5th house for children should be seen, Even Moon chart & D9 chart matters.

Its a complicated issue. Do consult a good astrologer before marrying. But no astrologer is God.
God is great. Hare Krishna