Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Chart of Swami Ramakrishna Paramhans: Hari Om

Here is one more chart of Ramakrishna Paramhans , the magical sanyasi & the Guru of Vivekananda. Koti koti Pranam unhe.

He is AQUARIUS lagna & SATURN in 9th. This chart is given in the Phaldeepika translated by GS Kapoor. According to GS Kapoor Saturn in 9th makes a revolution in the dharmic circles. He also stated that even Ma Ananamayee had Sat in 9th with Aqu. Lagna . Swami Karpatri had Saturn in 9th & he had Sun , Jup, Ven & Mer in the Cancer Lagna. GS Kapoor states that if a strong Saturn be in 9th house & be aspected by Jupiter, then the person would excel in religion & would be a sanyasi. Hari om.
He lived for 50 years. That is MADHYAYU (32 years to 75 years) not alpayu. Personally I follow a method called AMSA dasa for determination of longivity that is a numerical method. I am not elaborating that method here as that is a complex method. It is not much understood by masses.

Let us see see which planet's dasa killed Swamiji . It was Mercury not Saturn . During Vimshottari dasa of Saturn he lived successfully. Mer is the 8th lord in 1st house retrograde & combust. That's why he died in the dasa of Mercury.

It is said that he died because he took someone's else's illness upon himself. We can't apply general rules of astrology to such a Godman. That is like showing an earthen lamp to the Sun. Once again  "
Koti koti Pranam unhe."
 Hari Om.

आर्य लोगो के लिए

आप वैदिक सूक्तो के द्वारा ये मान चुके है की जितने भी ऋग्वेद में वर्णित देव या देवी है वो एक ही इस्वर के रूप है । तो आपको ये भी मानना पड़ेगा की इस्वर के रूप है । क्युकी मैं ऋग्वेद के मन्त्र के द्वारा ही आपको उनके रूप का वर्णन दिखता हु । आप ऋग्वेद में जरुर मिला लेना । ताकि आप ये न कह सके की गलत है । और हा स्वामी दयानंद की नहीं मूल वेद से मिलोयेगा ।

प्रथम मंडल सूक्त ३ का एक श्लोक
२४. इन्द्रा याहि तूतुजान उप ब्रम्हाणि हरिव: । सुते दधिष्व नश्चन:॥६ ॥
हे अश्वयुक्त इन्द्रदेव ! आप स्तवनो के श्रवणार्थ एवं इस यज्ञ मे हमारे द्वारा प्रदत्त हवियो का सेवन करने के लिये यज्ञशाला मे शीघ्र ही पधारें ॥६॥
यहाँ पर इंद्र देव को अश्व युक्त बताया गया है । तो क्या निराकार इस्वर घोड़ो पर विराजमान हो सकता है ।

प्रथम मंडल सूक्त ४ का ये श्लोक देखे
३८. अस्य पीत्वा शतक्रतो घनो वृत्राणामभव:। प्रावो वाजेषु वाजिनम्॥८॥हे सैकड़ो यज्ञ सम्पन्न करने वाले इन्द्रदेव! इस सोमरस को पीकर आप वृत्र-प्रमुख शत्रुओ केसंहारक सिद्ध हुये है,अत: आप संग्राम-भूमि मे वीर योद्दाओ कीरक्षा करे॥८॥
यहाँ पर इंद देव को वृतासुर का संहारक बताया गया है । तो क्या कोई निर्गुण इस्वर सगुण वृतासुर को मार सकता है ?

इस श्लोक में तो इंद्र देव को घोड़े सहित रथ का भी वर्णन है -
४४. यस्यं स्ंस्थे न वृण्व्ते हरी समत्सु शत्रव:। तस्मा इन्द्राय गायत॥४॥(हे याजको!) संग्राम मे जिनके अश्वो से युक्त रथो के सम्मुख शत्रु टिक नही सकते, उन इन्द्रदेव के गुणो का आप गान करे॥४॥
तो क्या निराकार इस्वर रथ पर बैठ कर शत्रुओ को मार सकता है ?

४६. त्वं सुतस्य पीतवे सद्यो वृद्धो अजायथा:। इन्द्र ज्यैष्ठय्याय सुक्रतो॥६॥हे उत्तम कर्म वाले इन्द्रदेव! आप सोमरस पीने के लिये देवताओ मे सर्वश्रेष्ठ होने के लीये तत्काल वृद्ध रूप हो जाते है॥६॥
उपर के श्लोक में भगवन इन्द सोमरस पिने के लिए वृद्ध रूप हो जाते है । तो क्या किसी निराकार इश्वर का रूप हो सकता है ?

प्रथम मंडल सूक्त ६
५२.युञ्जन्त्यस्य काम्या हरी विपक्षसा रथे।शोणा धृष्णू नृवाहसा॥२॥इन्द्रदेव के रथ मे दोनो ओर रक्तवर्ण, संघर्षशील, मनुष्यो को गति देने वाले दो घोड़े नियोजित् रहते है ॥२॥
लीजिये अब तो यहाँ पर साफ साफ है की इंद्र देव के रथ में दो घोड़े रहते है । तो अगर इस्वर निराकार हैं तो उस प्यारे इस्वर को रथ की क्या आवश्यकता ।

अभी तक मैंने मात्र छः सूक्त पढ़कर इस्वर के साकार होने के इतना प्रमाण दिया । आगे पढूंगा तो पता नही की कितना प्रमाण मिलेगा । आप अब कहेंगे की ये तो देवताओ के आकार का वर्णन है इस्वर का नहीं । तो मैं आप को यहाँ पर दो बात कहना चाहूँगा ।

पहला की देवताओ का है ना वर्णन तो आप सब आर्य समाज के लोग देवताओ की पूजा , मूर्ति पूजा का क्यों विरोध करते है । वेदों में तो ये कहा गया है की इस्वर निराकार है ये नही कहा गया है की मूर्ति पूजा मत करो । मूर्ति पूजा का कही भी वेदों में विरोध नही है । और मैं तो पहले की कह चूका हु की वेदों में ये कहा गया है की इस्वर का कोई रूप नही हैं , लेकिन वेदों में इस्वर के रूप का वर्णन है ।

दूसरी बात की इस्वर का साकार रूप का स्पष्ट वर्णन ऋग्वेद के दसमे मंडल के पुरुष सूक्त में है । ये तो आप सब जानते ही होंगे । उसमे तो साफ साफ कहा गया है की इस्वर के मुख से ब्राह्मण , भुजाओ से क्षत्रिये , जांघो से वैश्य और चरणों से शुद्र उत्पन्न हुए है । अर्थात इस्वर के मुख , भुजा , जांघ और पैर है तो इस्वर के रूप है ।
मैं तो आप सब से यही कहना चाहूँगा की आप निराकार इस्वर को अवश्य माने लेकिन मूर्ति पूजा का विरोध बिलकुल ना करे । आप सब सिर्फ दयानंद की पुस्तक ना पढ़े बल्कि मूल वेदों को भी पढ़े ।
भारत की प्रगति का सबसे बड़ा एक बाधा ये है की हम सब हिन्दू और आर्य में बटे हुए है । अतः आप सब से मेरी प्रार्थना है की आर्य और हिन्दू अपने अपने कुंठित विचारो को त्याग कर एक हो ।
इसी में देश की भलाई है ।
Courtesy: Prabhar Kumar

The sun-sign astrology. Is it fair?

Sun-sign astrology is interesting & deep into interpretation of zodiac signs, but it has got many failings.
Even I have seen people practicing Sun Sign, Moon Sign & Ascendent approach. The followers of Linda Goodman would obviously fall into such kinds of astrology. Linda Goodman claimed that Sun sign represents 80 percent of one's psychological nature. She claimed that nothing dims the power of your Sun sign. No matter however your chart might be but if you are born on 10 Aug then you remain a Leo. I would definitely dispute this.

I respect Linda as a brillant astrological writer & interpreter of Zodiac Signs  but I don't agree to every
thing that she might say. Moreover Linda Goodman was not the first writer of sun Sign astrology. I have
read a book of Bulter (1887) & few books of Cheiro. These writers lived before Linda. Bulter's book was Sun Sign astrological types. Cheiro also practiced Sunsign astrology but he mixed numerology brilliantly into the Sunsign game. Cheiro made sense as he invented a new type of mixture of Sunsign astrology & numerology.  Moreover you can find the interpretations of moon signs, sun-signs, ascendent etc. in Vedic classics dated thousands & hundred of years before.

But Sun Sign alone never defines a person, do remember this fact. Sun-sign can never be predictive. It can't give events of a person's lives. That's my observation & belief.

In Western astrology the signs of Aries, Gem. , Leo, Libra, Saggi. & Aqu. are known as positive signs
as they are either fiery or airy. They are known as extrovert signs. While other watery & earth signs are known as negative signs. They are introvert in nature.

So we can expect a person with ascendent , sun & moon in all negative signs as introverts as per Sunsign
astrology. But here lies the pit fall. I have observed that if the Sun or the moon is posited in ascendent
in the Vedic chart then it makes person quite interactive with the world. They no longer remain introverts.
Sun in the ascendent makes one quite bold. Here wins the Vedic astrology. I would not disrespect any
 western astrologer too who is deep into astrology & concentrates on houses, aspects, lordships & other tools too.

 But I would definitely say that Sun Sign  astrology, although interesting, has got limitations.

The chart should be analyzed house wise. Planetary astrology or House wise astrology is much powerful than
the sign wise astrology. Vedic astrology is a sort of planetary & house wise astrology & house div. techniques applied by Vedic astrology are damn accurate & brilliant compared to western astrology. This is my conviction.

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Random thoughts

  • The two muhurats between 3:40 & 5:12 am are collectively known as Brahma muhurta. One must rise up in that interval in order to be healthy , wealthy & wise.Thus astrologically speaking baba Ramdev is right. So is the old saying :
    "Early to bed & early to rise, makes man healthy, wealthy & wise".
  • Don't bother about a donkey work types job. There are too many around. It will make you slave. That's not liberation. Liberation lies in your own talent, property , savings & money generation ideas. Go for something solid.
  • Be a slave of none. Search your heart, discover your soul & find ways for liberation.
  • Liberty doesn't lie in atheism. Liberty doesn't lie in temples, churches or mosques. Neither it lies in belief, nor in disbelief. Liberation is something else.
  • Liberation doesn't lie in responsibility. Liberation doesn't lie in being irresponsible. Liberation is a rare state in this world of slaves. Liberation is rare. Liberation is the most valued thing in this world.
  • Liberation doesn't lie in attachment. Neither it lies in non-attachment. Liberation is something else.
  • Get liberated. Free your spirit.
  • Liberation doesn't lie in lust. Liberation doesn't lie in sex. Does it have anything to to with celibacy? I don't think so because who hasn't ever masturbated ! Liberation is something else. Find out it's something else.
  • Liberation is not in Gita. Neither its in Quran or Bible. Liberation is something else. It has to be experienced in your own way. Scriptures can't spoon feed you. Blindly following scriptures mean another bondage. Another slavery . Liberation is something else. Liberation lies in reading scripture of your own soul. Liberation means following humanity & spirituality deeply & in your own way.
  • For me liberation doesn't lie in judgement day. It lies in evolving on the path of self realization. It lies in doing evolving towards compassion towards animals & the weak ones.  It lies in chanting "Hare Krishna". It lies in being free from intoxication. It lies in peace. It lies in "Om Shanti Shanti". Liberate yourself from the bad feelings, liberate yourself from bad karmas, ask forgiveness from all whom you have hurt. Ask forgiveness from your ancestors whom you might have hurt. Ask forgiveness from all the people whose rights you have denied. "Khama Kuru Prabhu". "Khama Kuru atman".Ask forgiveness from all the departed souls of birds, fishes & animals whose flesh you have eaten, whom you have hurt. Real liberation starts here.
  • Whether you will make money from share market & gambling or not, this depends upon the birth chart & particular time periods. If birth chart is not conducive for such activities then one would have losses. If the particular  day, month or year is not conducive for such activities then you would have losses.
  • Human nature & psychology is not easy to define. "Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle" states that the mass & the momentum of a body both can't be simultaneously defined. This is particularly correct for subatomic particles like electrons. Light is both a particle & a wave quantum physics states that.
  • In my view our souls too obey the "Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle". It is very unpredictable to define it. I personally believe that Sidereal zodiac given by Lahiri's ayanansha & the tropical zodiac both are correct. Both have frequencies of their own. Even Raman's & KP's ayanansha have their own frequencies. Defining someone's mind or soul is not that easy task. We can apply same interpretations of the Zodiac signs both in Western & Vedic astrology. Lahiri's ayanansha is considered to be more reliable among the ayanashas. Probably Chitrapaksha ayanansha/True Lahiri ayanansha is an improvement over it. But soul is not restricted to any set of rules. It's a quantum particle. Do remember that.  

Saturday, 25 October 2014

People with Meena Rasi influence are really queer

People with Meena Rasi influence are really queer. They are not to the point, never worldly. Women of this rasi may be totally dependent upon their husbands or children. They would waste their time in religious activities only. She may not be knowing what money is in her name, what property of hers are others enjoying. Pisces influence is really a doomed influence. In some cases one might think that he or she is James Bond, while he/she may not be showing any sign of worldly action. You may be focusing on all non-important things this world, thus wasting your time & that of others. This behaviour is all about avoidance of real responsibilities.

Pisceans should remember that they may be giving headache to their people by this behaviour of theirs. Try to be a bit practical. It will save your near & dear ones from many burdens that you might be giving to them. Try to be human not a "pret atma". Lol

If the individual natal chart is afflicted then they may become the dull & dim witted. Of course the individual chart matters much.

Gems / Lucky names via numerology for people with Pisces influence is a must. Otherwise you / your near ones are going to be doomed

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Vedic Vs Western Astrology: My experiences, observations & experimentation

I don't want to go much into history for analyzing this topic. Over-analyzing history is much like digging graves many a times, which according to me is a futile action. Instead I would like to focus in this article that what are the advantages of Vedic astrology over western approach. Of course both the systems have their own merits & demerits. I would like to share my experiences with both the systems.

1. Vedic astrology has got a powerful Vimshottari dasa system as a predictive tool, which western astrology
lacks. Vimshottari dasa depends upon the exact degree of the Moon at your time of birth. If you throw a pebble in a still pond,  what happens ? There are ripples which start moving around the point of impact.
Our birth event is similar to that event. The ripples are set which progress further.
The Dasa system is similar to this ripple phenomenon. The birth of an individual sets forward a set of ripples
into this four-dimensional world. Events in the life are carried away by the Dasa-Antar-Pratyantar-Shookshma-Prana.

Of course some Vedic astrologers make use of many other kinds of dasa systems like Ashtottari, Yogini, Kalachakra, Shoola, Amsa etc. Now it depends upon the experience & hard work of astrologer what he chooses. I personally have worked with few of the dasa systems & drawn my own conclusions after much experimentation. 

2. Western astrology uses tropical zodiac but Vedic astrology uses sidereal zodiac. Sidereal is the actual
zodiac given by the stars while tropical zodiac is an imaginary zodiac which starts from the equinox (21st March). Both the types of zodiacs have their own advantages & disadvantages. I have worked with both the systems & experimented with a variety of ayanamsas used in sidereal zodiac(Raman's, KP, Lahiri, Chitrapaksha, Pushya Paksha, Surya siddhanta etc).  Lahiri is the most popular ayanamsa these days, but it depends upon the experience of astrologer what he prefers. I particularly like Lahiri , Chitrapakha, Raman & KP systems. Prediction & remedies are the main aims of astrology. So use an ayanamsa that works.

Tropical system doesn't result in relevant Vimshottari dasa system , that sidereal Vedic system results in. This
is my experience. Both the sidereal & tropical systems can be used for the purpose of psychological analysis of a person. I think that this happens because psychological analysis is to a large extent an abstract concept.
But for predictive purposes sidereal zodiac works fine.  

The merit of western astrology is that they have worked a lot over the interpretation of Zodiac signs.

3. Nakshatras play important role in Vedic astrology while in western approach Nakshatras don't mean anything. Nakshatras are particularly held very important in manual calculations of Vimhottari dasas & matchmaking. I personally make selective applications Nakshatras of as per my experience.

4. In western astrology transits are analyzed with respect to tropical ascendent or the sun sign. Whereas the Vedic astrologers analyse with repect to the sidereal Moon sign or the ascedent.

5. Both types of astrologers make use of a variety of numerological methods. Among western astrologers Chaldean & Pythagorian are the two most popular methods. I am particularly fond of the Chaldean system but do make use of few concepts of pythagorian system too. I am fond of numerology as it helps one to know about his lucky numbers, dates, name etc. Even if one doesn't like to change his name officially (if in case it is unlucky), then too there are methods which will enable him to get lucky.

6. Vedic astrologers also mix  vastu, numerology, palmistry etc with astrology sometimes.
While western astrologers mix their astrology with numerology, palmistry, tarot, Chinese astrology etc.

7. Divisional charts are used by Vedic astrologers either for planatary strength determination or as secondary
charts along with Lagna charts. Of course many Vedic astrologers oppose the over use of these charts as this
method is not approved in classics. Classics approve use of Lagna Chart, Moon chart & Sun chart for sure.
D10 for career, D9 for spouse, D3 for brother & sisters, D12 for parents etc. are not mentioned in any of the classics I am sure about it. No classic teaches how to analyse D10. In classics these div. charts merely represent the strength of planets. Housewise analysis of D10, D3, D12 etc. charts is not classical Vedic astrology. D10 for career, D9 for spouse, D3 for brother & sisters, D12 for parents etc. is the method invented by modern Vedic astrologer Sheshadri Iyer. It has nothing to do with classical or the old system of Vedic astrology.

House wise analysis of div. charts is not used in Western astrology. Although western astrologers make use of Deccans for psychological analysis of a person sometimes.

8. Vedic astrology can give both the psyche & the predictions for an individal to a fair degree of accuracy.
Western astrology focues on psyche of an individual more than the predictions. Lack of predictive tools is one of the shortcomings of western astrology. Western numerology is into predictions. But for numerology too, accurate timeline analysis of a person's life is not an easy job. 

9. Western astrology makes use of newly discovered planets Uranus, Neptune & Pluto. Vedic astrology lacks this approach. I am personally doing research in this area & trying to bring these planets into the comfort zone of Vedic astrology. This is one of the merits that I can import from the Western astrology. Of course these planets too matter, although they matter less than the conventional 9 Vedic astrological planets. But in order to make the astrology very accurate I would need help of these planets , I realize this fact.

10. A lot of mixing of both Western & Vedic astrological is taking on these days. KP is one of the products of the mixture.
 But I avoid KP system as I have seen that it fails in timeline predictions many a times.
I know an astrologer who is copycat of KP system & promotes it with the name of "Nadi astrology".
I prefer clinging to the classical Vedic astrological system with inculcation of my own researches into it. 

My criticism for KP system is that it uses Placidus house div. method which results in very unequal houses many a times. More over Placidus house div method is not defined above 66.5 degree North & below 66.5 degree South.
Astrology can't be selective. It should work around the globe. Isn't it?

11. Western astrology makes use of numerous house div. systems like Placidus, Porphry, Equal, Whole sign etc.
Vedic astrology have only few methods like Whole sign, Bhava Sripati Chart, Bhava Chakra as per phaldeepika
etc. All sorts of Vedic astrologers believe in Whole sign approach at the least, & may use other charts as

While western astrologers seem very confused over the house systems. They keep on inventing the new house systems
& do nothing about improving predictions. Lol ! Well old is gold. 

12. Both systems have got remedial methods. Western astrology makes use of psychology too which lacks in
Indian astrology. I prefer vedic gemology, Vastu, psychology & western numerology for the sake of
remedies. Mantras too work (but a little). Sprituality & meditation works more than mantras in my humble opinion.

13. One of the major problems that I see with the western astrology is that it considers opposition & squares as always bad. Now suppose there is a planet X at 20 degrees in the 4th house &  another planet Y at 20 degrees in the 10th house (Using whole sign system), then in western astrology both the planets would be considered in oppsition & hence bad. But in Vedic astrology there is no such rule to consider squares or oppositions as bad. I think that Vedic astrology makes more sense here as it considers aspects as good or bad depending upon the nature of the planets for that particular horoscope.

Let me tell you hard aspects like squares , oppositions, semisquare etc. are found even in the charts of celebrities. This is where the western astrology fails. Now here wins the Vedic astrology. Rules of Vedic astrology are very beautifully & technically made. 

To conclude: Vedic astrology rocks, but it needs further research for modernisation. There is no harm in importing some goodies of western approach if they actually work. But following west blindly would be dangerous.

Hari Om.