Saturday, 28 September 2013

Vitamin D & Sun worship

Ever realized the importance of Surya Namaskar or other ways of Sun worship? Sun is the major source of Vitamin D in our bodies. It is produced when our skin is exposed to the UV rays of the Sunlight. Remember a Vitamin D deficiency may cause ailments like diabetes, immunity, asthma, TB, high blood pressure, depression, osteoporosis etc.

More than 80% of healthy Indians are vitamin D deficient. Check out this link.


Neecha Bhanga Rajayoga

Do you have a debilitated planet in your chart? Oh don't panic ! It's not necessary that it would punish you. It may give you rewards as well. All you have to do is just to check whether its debilitation is cancelled or not.

There are many conditions for "Cancellation of Debilitation" (Neecha Bhanga) of a planet. I am listing some of them. A debilitated planet gets a Neecha Bhanga if:

1. The Neecha planet in a kendra from Lagna/Moon
2. The lord of the house in which the Neecha planet is posited, is in a Kendra from Lagna/Moon
3. The lord of the Neecha planet's sign of exaltation is in a Kendra from Lagna/Moon
4. Both the lords implied by conditions 2 & 3 , in mutual Kendras to each other
5. If the planet that gets exalted in the sign in which Neecha planet is posited, is in a Kendra from Lagna/Moon
6. If the lord of the house of Neecha planet is in exaltation
7. If the Neecha planet is in exaltation or own sign in the navamsha chart
8. If the Neecha planet is retrograde
9. If the Neecha planet is in conjunction with(or aspected by) the lord of the house in which the Neecha planet is posited.

Results: According to Phaldeepika the person with Neccha Bhanga Rajayoga becomes a wealthy emperor or king of kings. He will be very powerful, famous & affluent. He will perform virtuous actions. 

Since this is dealt in the chapter "Raja yoga" , hence I criticize the modern astrologers for defaming the debilitation so much. But the truth is that it gives Rajayoga in most of the cases .

A Neecha Bhanga planet may give good results. Classics describe it as "Neecha Bhanaga Raja Yoga". In my experience a Neecha Bhanga planet doesn't harm much unless there are other complications. Remember there are going to be some side effects of even a "Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga" planet. But such a planet is never as harmful as the "Neecha" planet.

Logic for considering the "Neccha Bhanga "
effect of a planet
There are some astrologers who don't consider Neecha Bhanaga at all. But it must be considered in the chart analysis. There is a logic for considering Neccha bhanga that I would explain further.

 Jupiter was in its sign of debilitation Capricorn from Jan 11, 1985 to Jan 25, 1986. (I am giving the data from the ephemeris). All born within this one year of time-period will have debilitated Juipter in one of the houses. Do u think that all these persons would be troubled by Jupiter? Do u think that Jupiter Dasha would be bad for every one of them? Definitely not ! Many such people won't have problems due to Jupiter's Neecha Bhanga.

The degree of cancellation of debilitation vary from one Birth chart to another. The chart needs to be read in totality. It needs the experience & knowledge of a good astrologer to judge it in a proper way. In case you are reading your chart yourself then make sure that you have read a lot , debated a lot & have done a lot of case studies. Cancellation of debilitation is a very tricky subject & it takes practice to master it.

Friday, 27 September 2013

Retrograde planets- An analysis in the view of classics

A retrograde planet is also called "Vakri" in Sanskrit & a forward moving planet is known as the "Margi" planet. It should be noted that a retrograde planet doesn't actually move backwards. It moves forward only in the solar system. Due to the relative motion between the earth & the planet, it seems to move backwards.

Retrograde planets are strong. Why? They are nearer to the earth compared to the forward moving planets. "Shorter the distance, greater is the gravitational pull between two masses " . So the gravitational pull is at the maximum between a planet & earth at the times the planet is retrograde.

Ancient scriptures provide the ways to calculate the strength due to retrogression. This strength is known as the "Chesta Bala". Chesta bala is the part of total strength (i.e "Shadabala") of the planet.

Saravali says that in retrograde motion the benefic planets become more benefic & the malefic planets become more malefic. Why? The same gravitational pull logic !! The increased gravitaional pull makes benefic planets more benefic & the malefic planets more malefic.

Generally an outer planet(Mars, Jup, Sat) is retrograde when it is in the 6th , 7th or 8th from house from the Sun. Very rarely an outer retro planet is in 5th or 9th to the Sun. So if you have a retrograde outer planet in your chart just note its position from the Sun. You would be amazed to verify this astronomical fact !

In Dasa - Bukti - Pratyantar -Sookshma the results related to these planets can be seen , whether good or bad. Retro planets bring health problems if in case it is indicated in the particular dasas or transits related to the retro planets. Also "Retro planets in debliation give a Neechabhanga Raja yoga". This theory too seem to be correct. This is written in "Phaldeepika" . But remember a Neechabhanga rajayoga too may be cancelled in many ways in a chart.

The ancient classic "Bhavartha Ratnakar" says a retrograde malefic planet gives good result. But I don't think that its true in all the cases. A malefic retro planet can give good results in exceptional cases only.

"Jataka Parijata" considers a retrograde planet to be always bad. But I have seen retrograde in charts of very successful people too. So I don't really attach a "bad" tag to retro planets. The analysis of them needs to be done carefully. It depends upon the experience of an astrologer to analyze good or bad results arising out of a retro planet correctly.

Astrologers differ in their ideas about the retrograde planets. The unpredictability of a retro planet is accepted in both Vedic & Western Astrology. There is literature available on them saying that they give unusual results (either good or bad) . Retro planets have some powerful psychological impacts on the native.

It is always to be noted that the results of a retro planet depends upon its position, aspects & conjunctions. The chart need to be analyzed by a good astrologer in totality for the final verdict.


Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Check out your next/current Sade Sati times !

"Sade Sati" is a difficult period for some natives. It is a period when Saturn transits 12th, 1st & 2nd from your Rashi. Its period is of 7.5 years. It occurs two to three times in a native's life & it repeats itself every after 29.5 years approximately.

Rashi                                    Period of Sade Sati

Aries                                    25/6/2025 to 30/5/2032
Taurus                                   2/6/2027 to 12/7/2034
Gem                                      8/8/2029 to 27/8/2036
Can                                       30/05/2032 to 22/10/2038
Leo                                       12/7/2034 to 27/01/2041
Vir                                         Currently undergoing.
It will leave you on 2/11/2014
Lib                                         Currently undergoing. It will leave you on 26/01/17
Sco                                        Currently undergoing. It will leave you on 23/1/2020.
Sag                                         02/11/2014 to 28/4/2022
Cap                                        26/01/2017 to 29/03/2025
Aqu                                        23/1/2020 to 2/6/2027
Pisces                                     28/4/2022 to 8/8/2029

Astrologically speaking, we should shouldn't  judge a person's Sade Sati without taking into account a number of factors. There are a number of other factors that may modify the results of a Sade Sati.  Dashas-Bhuktis-Pratyantars-Sookhsma-Pranas all of them effect us. While judging the transits, Ashtakavargas should be also kept in mind. Transits from the Moon Sign  & Lagna both are important considerations.  

Remember Sade Sati may be difficult for some natives , while for others it is not. Saturn is the judge of our Karmas. It is believed that Saturn punishes for the bad deeds & rewards for the good ones.   So believe in God & keep your thoughts , actions & deeds right .


Monday, 23 September 2013

Elections 2014: Modi Vs Rahul

Lok Sabha election is likely to be held in the middle of 2014. A major fight between Congress’ prince Rahul Gandhi & BJP’s iron man Mr. Modi is likely to take place. There is a curiosity in the astrological circles & speculations are running high.  
There is a wave for the Gujrat's C.M Mr. Narendra Modi in the country. Can he be the next Prime Minister of India? Let's see what the stars tell about him.

Name: Narendra Modi
Date of Birth: September 17, 1950
Time of Birth: 11 AM
Place of Birth: Mehsana
Longitude 72 E 28
Latitude 23 N 37


I have used Raman's ayanamsa to generate the chart as I personally find it to be a good prediction-oriented ayanamsa for the Parashari astrological system.

Analysis of D1
In Modi  ji’s Birth chart Panchamesha Jupiter is aspecting the 10th house. 10th house is also occupied by the natural benefic Venus which is ruler of the 7th. The 7th & 5th lord's influence on the 10th house is producing a kind of association between Vishnu-Laxmi Sthanas. A connection between Vishnu Sthanas (1, 4, 7, 10) & Laxmi Sthanas(1, 5, 9) is generally considered to be good from the astrological point of view. These combinations in Modi ji’s chart make his career, fame & influence over the masses very strong. Lord of 10th Sun is in conjunction with the 4th lord & 11th lord in the house of gains. It makes him shine like the Sun in the field of politics.
We can note a powerful Neecha Bhanga Raja yoga of Moon in Lagna. Also Chandra Mangal yoga in Lagna makes him a powerful personality. 2nd lord Jupiter's presence in Kendra makes him a great speaker. Note the presence of GajKeshari yoga & Guru Mangal yoga in his chart.

Analysis of D9
Moon's aspect over 10th house strengthens his political career. 1st house is having a presence of the 10th lord Mars in it. Mars & Venus both produce Neecha Bhanga Raja yoga in D9 chart. Bhagyesha Jupiter is in Mooltantrika in the 6th house house.  It aspects the 10th & 2nd houses. Hence Jupiter does good to his career & makes him a hard taskmaster.  It endows him with the gift of gab.

Analysis of D10
Note the Bhagyesha Jupiter's presence in 10th & an aspect of waxing Moon on the career house. 1st house is accommodating 10th lord Mars in it. Mars makes a Neecha Bhanga Raja yoga in D10 chart. Mars , Jupiter & Moon occupy the kerdras. This gives rise to three powerful yogas

1. Chandra Mangal yoga 2. Gajakeshri yoga 3. Guru Mangal yoga
These yogas increase his fame , power, authority & position.

Analysis of Dashas & Transits
One may note a powerful Neecha Bhanga Raja yoga of Moon in Lagna. Also the presence of Chandra- Mangal yoga in Lagna makes him a powerful personality. Moon is also powerful in both D9 & D10. Moon forms very powerful yogas in D1 & D10. His Moon's dasa duration is from Nov 2009 to Nov 2019. Present Dasha obviously bestows him with a very powerful Raja yoga.

As per  Mr. Chidambaram the elections might take place in May 2014. Modi ji would be undergoing Moon's Dasha & Saturn's Bhukti at that time.  Note that Saturn has become powerful being in 11th house in Virgo. In D9 it has become powerful by occupying the sign of Capricorn in a Kendra. Transit Jupiter is likely to be in 8th till 20 June 2014 & thereafter it is likely to transit into 9th. These transits are going to be good since Jupiter has gained good points in 8th & 9th houses respectively in its Bhinna Asthakvarga.   So 2014 is going to be great for him.

Few Words About Rahul Gandhi 

Name: Rahul Gandhi
Date of Birth: June 18, 1970
Time of Birth: 21:52:00
Place of Birth: Delhi

Mr. Rahul Gandhi has quite less chances of becoming the future PM, since his 10th house is  weak. Functional Malefic Jupiter is in 10th house aspected by a debilitated Saturn from the 4th.  In 10th house Jupiter is in an inimical sign & it is retrograde too.  10th lord Venus is in an inimical sign.  1st lord is debilitated & aspected by Jupiter, which is a functional malefic for the Capricorn Ascendant.  Rahu is in 2nd house & Ketu in the 8th. These factors are not favourable for giving him the post of Prime Minister.  Rahul ji's chart is a weak & ordinary one, when compared to that of Modi ji's.

Rahul ji is going through a Moon  Dasha & Rahu Bhukti right now, which would continue till 23/5/2014. After this he would be going through the period of Moon-Jupiter. These bhuktis are unlikely to give him good results. 


Stars favour Narendra Modi ji's candidature over Rahul Gandhi. Modi ji has got the potential to become the PM of India. Let's see who really wins the electoral Mahabharata of 2014.